

****Hi there!
I've been doing a countdown on IG (jennifher66) until my 50th birthday of 50 changes I have made over the last couple of years to feel healthier and happier than ever. It's been fun, but I recognize that my posts are a little lengthy for the quick scroll-through format / mentality of IG. Plus IG is so annoying it wont let me put in page breaks, making it hard to read longer passages.  So I'm putting some of my posts here*****

.......... 43/50 SKIN CARE Part A.......

This will be a 3-part series. I could talk about skin for D.A.Y.S....but I'll reign it into to a couple of hours 😂jk. #maybe Plus check out my IG feed to see mad picture grid skills #justusedanapp #nbd

So here's the SKINny.

Two years ago I looked older: wrinkled, tired, dull complexion, under eye puffiness and darkness, and lentigos (age spots). What??? You mean the people who talk about the importance of skin care were actually right?? Dang it!!! I never, literally ever, washed my face (outside of the shower) or used ANY kind of product on it...except for Sea Breeze a few times during HS. Oh how we loved that astringent burning feeling.

Enter operation skin care. I've been studying and experimenting for two years. Here's what I know: it can be overwhelming with so many products and claims and opinions and conflicting data such as the right order to apply products (has to do with pH), etc. But there are certain products that do have evidence to show efficacy. It's also simply a matter of finding what works for you and your skin type

I'm in the middle of a 6-month clinical trial (n=1).  On 1/2 of my face, I'm using drugstore products, and on the other half, higher-end products of comparable ingredients (not crazy high-end like LaMer, SKII or medical grade like Neocutis, Obagi or SkinCeuticals) I want to know if you really have to spend more. I may start looking lopsided.... 😂😂😂

In the next two posts, I'll explain my am and pm skincare routine. I have researched and deliberately chosen each product. #triedlots! I think my skin is looking better and younger than 2 years ago!! Although I still have hollow blue eye bags.  There are many causes of this, mine is genetic, so there isn't a cream that will magically improve that. It requires a filler like Juvederm. Also, no cream will remove my deep set wrinkles. Those require needles or knives.

If you are interested in how your skin products measure up (safety, efficacy) Beautypedia, thedermreview, or EWG Skin Deep database are good resources. BeautyCounter is a great place to explore safer options.

Continue to Part B for my AM routine.

1 comment:

LGH said...

I'm 70; have never taken care of my face. Is it too late to start? I have more wrinkles on my face than 17 loads of laundry left in the dryer overnight!


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