
The Queen

2 weeks ago, Hurricane High held a super big pageant. I know it was super big, as opposed to just big, because my daughter and two of her friends were in charge of the whole thing. And can I just say, there is a lot of behind the scenes work that goes into pulling off a smooth pageant. Make the banners, decorate, type up ballots, write the script, get snacks for the judges, order dinner for the judges, make the contestant numbers, paint the poster (see above) and on and on. And despite not getting any sleep the night before (see above photo), the pageant went off beautifully and without a hitch.

19 girls competed for the title of Homecoming Queen --19 beautiful, motivated, accomplished, talented girls. I didn't envy the judges' job. 20% of the score was from popular vote from the high school studentbody. The rest was on talent, interview and introduction.

It was an absolute shock and fun, fun surprise to hear the announcement of the 2009 Hurricane High Homecoming Queen: Janessa Fisher. And I didn't even bring my camera. My name is Ms. Mud!

1 comment:

LGH said...

WOW, she did a lot of work. You are right, the girls were beautiful, talented and fun. Now, maybe she can relax - oh, wait, that's just not how it goes at the Fisher household!


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