
Happy Mother's Day

I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. 
They have clung to me all my life. 
~Abraham Lincoln

Some mothers are kissing mothers and some are scolding mothers, 
but it is love just the same, and most mothers kiss and scold together.  
~Pearl S. Buck

She never quite leaves her children at home, even when she doesn't take them along.  
~Margaret Culkin Banning

paintings by William Adolfe Bouguereau

I miss thee, my Mother!  Thy image is still
The deepest impressed on my heart.
~Eliza Cook

I cherish 
passing year
I have 
my mother
~ms. fish

I pay tribute to the
dearest of mothers
who on this day 
her heart doth ache
with yearnings
to visit her own

oh, let the sweetness
of memory
sustain thee
for one day
you shall embrace

happy mother's day to my mother and grandmothers
whose examples will take me a lifetime 
(and hundreds of dollars in plane tickets)
to live up to


Mrs. Olsen said...

Aah. I love YOUR mom AND my mom. La leche League is loving your first picture..and I am loving all of them. Happy MOther's Day.

Justin Hackworth said...

I know everyone says they have the best mother in the world and then you find out later that their mother is more accurately like the 435th best mom in the world. But in my case, I actually do have the best mom in the world and when anyone compliments me about anything, I think, well, that's because I learned it from my mother.

KRose said...

Oh how lucky am I to also share your mother, my mother....a true treasure. She is smart, funny, attractive, witty, kind, sensitive, loving, caring, giving, determined, steadfast, gentle, unselfish, genuine, fun, strong, compassionate, wonderful, and best of all: MY mom! And how I love her!

Amy H said...

Yes, yes, you have a beautiful mother. Once your dad noted something I did that was like something your mom does. What a compliment. Your mother is so bright and beautiful. Her care for all of us, and especially her attention and care to her grandkids, is such a gift.

IKristi, I love what you wrote. I can think of an instance where Loni has shown each each each of those attributes. Cool.


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