Every year on Justin's birthday, friends and family gather to celebrate. The admission ticket is an original limerick...written for him and / or about him. Last year, my parents and I attended the lyrical festivities with our limericks in hand. It was great fun. The prose posed as legit poetry.
A fantastic writer himself, Justin provides rich subject matter to write about. Whether in a suit or blue jeans, he is always sporting his signature Keds and wit quicker than a hummingbird high on honeysuckle. He has great taste in design and savvy business sense. And most of all, he is a dedicated father and the kind of husband who sweeps the kitchen floor. Justin is a good, good man. I love you bro.
Here is a limerick just for you from your big sis Ms. Fish:
Justin is a fine man who would
try to get away with all that he could
he frequently flashes
he shoots things in batches
and even makes a negative good!
PS: Big cool news. Justin is one of the speakers at this year's Altitude Design Summit. Check it. Here.

Loved this great tribute to Justin. He is all those things you said, that's for sure. What DO people do who don't have family?
Jenni, Thanks for this. And I love the limerick.
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