These handy dandy tools represent my new discovery! I found out that a frosting spreader works great in scraping the mounds of charcoaled soot and clumps of grease from the soot catcher drawer of our BBQ grill. And the paintbrush is mighty handy for brushing off the soot from edges, cornes, and grill grates (this was my husband's idea!). The pumice stone worked well for cleaning the grates.
Our grill is Big. Manly. And highly capable of getting very, very dirty. Cleaning the grill with two years worth of residue was a LOT of work. But I must admit, it was satisfying to see the transformation....
With my new arsenal of cleaning tools, my grill looks so purdy and is ready for an awesome season of summer grillin' of things like grilled halibut, kebabs with hoison barbecue sauce
or grilled pineapple.
Maybe. I kinda sorta don't wanna use the grill now. Cuz that will mean it will get dirty. Which means more cleaning.
PS: I also found this tool which looks like it would be great.
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