I finally sought professional help because he has NO drive! And now as of Monday 3/10, we are officially separated. I am thankful to the professional "genius" who finally convinced me that parting with him was the only way to become whole again. I must admit, part of me is relishing the freedom of his absence. However, it is even more difficult than I thought it would be...actually a big chunk of my life walked away when we said our goodbyes. Strangely, not only do I miss the chance to chat, but I miss our nightly ritual and the physicality of his firm warmth pressed against my thighs.
I thank all of you for supporting me through this difficult time. Truthfully, I am looking forward to the UPS man visiting. He will cheer my days.
He will end the angst of abstinence.
Why? Because he will deliver my newly repaired laptop with a brand new optical drive. I will then regain much of my life which is pathetically wrapped up in a hard drive and internet connection. And then I will have no more excuses to abstain from schoolwork! Alas....our reunion will be bittersweet. Just know that through it all, my love for him has never wavered.
I love my Mac!

This is an amazing essay; so well written. You must have had a really good English teacher. The metaphor is so strong. Excellent...I enjoyed reading it again since you originally wrote it. And, I'm happy that things are finally going smoothly in this relationship.
I had a phenomenal English teacher. He can take all the blame...I mean credit!
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