Well, I've missed several days of blogging and now I have a backlog of events and happenings that I feel compelled to document. Mostly because I am having my blog printed into a book at the end of the year (oh my gosh...that's TODAY!!!!) and I definitely want to include the Soup Extravaganza, family [days-long] party, and the Christmas morning-after when my mom got a KINDLE.
But herein lies the age-old problem: I have New Year's food to cook, house to clean, and I'm in the midst of de-cluttering and re-organizing my house so we can ring in the New Year on a CLEAN note. So the debate rages: clean house or blog, clean house or blog. Arrgggghhhh....The time demon is visiting.
Okay...I'm doing both. I'll clean and blog. So, the blog post must be prioritized. And I readily admit mine is usually FOOD. So, right now, I am simply posting a listing of all the delectable foods my family and I have eaten this holiday season, some of it made by my dear mother who totally outdid herself with meals this year. All of these foods listed are homemade! My tastebuds have had a treasure trove of tantalizing tasties and my thighs a toppling torrent of a triple triglyceride attack.
So here it is....without further adieu. I present (in no particular order) my:
Read it and Re-DROOL: Items Consumed in a Mere Matter of [Holi]days List
Candied Beef Brisket (I'd give away my new red purse for another bite of that right now!)
Oven-Baked Cheesy Mashed Potatoes
Red Hot Pomegranate Salad
Artisan Bread (this is the easiest bread to make...and so delicious)
Roasted Red Pepper Hummus (I'm not scared of roasting red peppers any more! It's as easy as clicking your tongue. And makes the kitchen smell like a roasted red pepper store - if there is such a thing??)
Pita Bread (I learned that the caution in the recipe to NOT let the dough dry out should be heeded)
Eggnog Pound Cake with Creme Fraiche
Rich and Frothy Eggnog (with ice-cream in it. Dreamy creamy!)
Danish Kringle (one of Brent's favorite pastries - an old recipe from his mother!)
Christmas Casserole (a Christmas morning tradition!)
Bread Pudding with Caramel Buttermilk Syrup
Homemade Wheat Bread
Spiced Cranberry Relish
Cranberry Jam
Rolls out the yingyang
Bean with Ham Soup
Chicken Tortilla Soup
Cucumber Sandwiches
Some sort of creamy yellow jello with green peppers, celery and cheese. An interesting mix and so good!!
Crustless Pumpkin Pie (made in the crockpot!)
Raspberry Dream Cake
Sweet Pecan Glazed Carrots
Potatoes AuGREATin
Layered Green Salad (one of my favorite simple salads...not complicated in both taste and ease of preparation!)
Lemon Marbled Cheesecake with Gingerbread Crust (the only thing I took picture of)
and tacked on to the end, the non-homemade delight of Roasted Starbursts!

Happy New Years and Bon Appetit!!
Hey, can you post that recipe for the hummmus and creme? Or, are they a family secret?
I just had my blog made into a book. I only found one website that would do it. I hope it turns out o.k. Blurb.com use to make blogs into books, but they don't support blogger, which is a bummer, because their product is very professional looking. I have no idea how the one I paid for will turn out. I will let you know.
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