Wanna get prepared for ______ (fill in the blank with any type of calamity) but overwhelmed at the thought of how much there is to do and buy? Why not do a little at a time. Here is a website which will email you a baby-steps checklist every two weeks. If you follow their plan, you will live happily ever after.
It's a peace of mind thing.
And you will have gathered the life essentials of wheat, rice, flashlights, water, etc. I'm just really praying Hot Tamales made their list.

I'm with you on the hot tamales thing...love them. That and avocados. Avocados are a life essential for me. Don't think avocados are going to store very well though.
We'll have to remember to add hot tamales to the comfort foods checklist just for you! :) Thanks for the shout out!
Just found your blog through your mom. Thanks for the link-I signed up!
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