Photo credit: OC Register and photographer David Prince
I didn't get my craft room in the garage organized like I wanted to before school started. That darn University wouldn't put classes on hold for one more week so I could finish. But I did accomplish a great deal. Every cupboard in my house has been de-junked, along with my bedroom, hall closets, half of the garage, and storage room. In the process, I categorized the items to giveaway into piles for DI, the dump, neighbors and Craig's List. I decided to sell some things and start saving up for a new camera with my earnings. (Mine, very rudely, broke.)
I am so happy with the way it makes feel to have things clean. Now I know where anything is at any given moment (if I can just remember where I put it!)
Here are a few more tips I have incorporated in this process:
1. I put some items, brand new nice items and silly items in a plastic container and labeled it "The Giving Box." Now when I need a last minute gift or even a not so-last minute gift, I will check that box first. It consists of brand new books, journals we haven't used, art pads, photo albums, etc. There are also some things in there that will be perfect for white elephant time!
2. Got some darling decorative jars for things such as buttons, ribbons, etc. They look darling on a display shelf and serve a functional purpose as well.
3. Put my spices in a drawer instead of a kitchen cabinet. I labeled the tops of all my spices with a sharpie marker. And alphabetized them, of course! Now I can see at a glance what spices I have instead of having to hunt for spices clear in the back of the cupboard. This is so handy! And should cut down on duplicate purchases. (I'm not a spice rack type of gal. I don't like things like that out on my counters or walls)
4. We put a hanging file folder on our kitchen counter with a folder for each person as well as a folder for coupons, medical records, etc. This has been a huge help with the paper beast. We also purchased a shredder and open the mail when it arrives, helping to keep down on the piles of paper.
5. Use a P-Touch Labeler. I love that little machine!
Now, maybe we should go stay in a hotel, so it will stay clean for at least a week.
For other storage strategies, read here and here.
WOW, you are an organizing wonder woman! Can't wait to see it all.
Wow Mrs. Fish! It is so liberating to loose the noose of stuffitis. Good for you!
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