We began the journey on August 26, 2008, a beautiful sunny day. Our family drove to Provo which was all abloom with assorted flowers and bright green grass. We stayed the night with my brother Justin and his wife, Amy. Their little boys, Miles and Eli, are as cute as they come and provided us with great entertainment.

Eli and Miles Hackworth. Photo by Justin Hackworth
We awoke the morning of the 27th and drove to the BYU campus, locating the place that Sean would call home for the next year. I didn't tell Sean this, but my stomach dropped when we walked in. The apartment was old, rundown and tiny. But kids are tough, I mused, and it's good practice for the mission field. We unloaded Sean's minimal belongings and then traipsed off to the grocery store and stocked up on household goods and kitchen staples. All the while I am trying to cram in last minute quick, easy meal ideas and instructions. Sean just wanted frozen pot pies.
Next, we went to TGIF Fridays for a farewell dinner and birthday celebration. It was Janessa's 16th birthday and she would spend it saying goodbye to her best friend. At the restaurant, Janessa opened presents, we sang and laughed and ate delicious food. Sean was in good spirits and was as witty as I've ever seen him. At least he could have tried to be onry, so it would be easier to leave him! We then dropped Sean and his roommate, Jerry, off at their apartment and drove away, leaving Sean to begin his new life.
His winter season had begun. He entered it as an 18 year old adolescent and will emerge in the spring of his life a man.

Before leaving town, we stopped at the BYU bakery and picked up a sheet cake of brownies to have at play practice that night for Janessa's birthday. BYU brownies make things better.

Photo credit: BYU Takeout Bakery
WOW, what great pictures of a really awesome family. And the essay is very compelling - written from the heart. It shows what a great mom you are and the closeness in your family ties.
jen, i am at work right now - 4:30 in the morning, I'm doing night float. I had a few minutes so I was reading your blog. I was reading about cutting the cord and i started tearing up....i'm at work for heaven's sake!!! anyway, it was beautiful - you're writing, and you're love for your son. thanks so much for sharing.
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