
Good Writes

I was so happy when my friend Lori joined Good Reads because I love her analysis of things. Then awhile ago she sent me an email and said that in addition to GoodReads, we should have a website with ideas for GOOD WRITES.

Here are Lori's ideas:

Children's Book...."My Grandpa Wears Toe Rings" for the grandchildren of the aging baby boomer population

Mystery...."Why Do I Hear a Flushing Sound Each Time I Check The Stock Price" A guide for those who may never be able to retire.

Political titles.... "Why The Electoral Vote Will Have to Do As I Can't In Good Conscience Vote For Either Of Them"

Here is my contribution:
"The Day my Thong Cracked Me Up."

What ideas do you have?

1 comment:

LGH said...

I love Lori's title about not being able to vote for either candidate...hear, hear.

Today, we visited George Washington's home - Mt. Vernon. The entire time I was learning about General Washington, I kept thinking, "Where are the men like George Washington?" Surely there must be someone in America who has his honorable, noble qualities and whose sincere desire is for the welfare of the country. Well... George Romney, but we all saw what happened when he ran for office.


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