Ralph and Barbara Fisher - my lovely parents-in-law
I am so grateful for the family that I married into. Brent's parents are salt-of-the-earth folk. Quality, through and through. They are good, honest, pure, devoted, loving, hard-working, frugal people who have taught me so much. Without them, we would not have a home, literally. I love them very, very much.
And while I'm talking about the Fisher side of things, I'm thankful for all of Brent's awesome family. I need more pictures of them, though. Calling Boyers, Brothersons and Fishers....send some my way!
Kyle and his dad Lynn Steadman. This is a waterfall Lynn built for the Twin Falls temple dedication. Lynn donated all the sod and turned the area into an oasis!!

Susan (Brent's oldest sister) and granddaughter, Kaylee
Emily fell for Kyle. Big time.
Kyle and Emily
My hunk of a nephew - Alaska on a fishing boat
Kyle and Emily - they play, play, play
Tyler and Jenny Workman
Annalynn and proud daddy Todd Briscoe
The Steadman girls in Hawaii -
Lynn Steadman and Toby (or Troy?) Who is it, Wendy? This is what Lynn does best...play with his grandkids.
Terah and Kyden Albertson - Terah got accepted to dental school...Congrats!
Emily (with rare straight hair), Kyden and Terrah Albertson
Wendy Briscoe and her cute kids
Wendy Briscoe and Cindy Steadman: sisters
Wendy Briscoe- lookin' great in yellow! - She's had her baby now.

Hale Family Reunion, 2006. Funnest reunions ever at the Steadman's Fun Farm. Ginormous water slide, zip line, skeet shooting, four-wheeling, trampoline, volleyball, soccer, candy cannon, outdoor movies and horseshoes. Steadman's Fun Farm is booked for reunions until something like 2012. Incredible!

Nick Boyer
Nick running. He's the one that's winning...er, I mean, the one in red shorts.
Again, Nick.

Larry Boyer
Boyer family

Mac and Kim

We lost Brent's sister, Shauna Brotherson, to breast cancer. She was valiant and beautiful and never complained. We miss her dearly.
Picture of her is coming soon....
1 comment:
Jenni, you do indeed have a wonderful family of inlaws. I loved looking at these fun pictures.
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