My mother is worthy and deserving of a month-long daily blog post just about her. I wish I could adequately express my respect, admiration, loyalty, love, and appreciation for my mom.
1. She is funny. Here is something she said one day:
"Who, what, why, and when but mostly why and who. That's it - it's insane, that's all there is to it, it's insane."
- Loni Hackworth, in an effort to find the egg beaters.
2. She is patient. See above quote.
3. She is completely 100% devoted to her beliefs, her religion and to service. She lives in harmony with her convictions.

4. She is wise and always says the perfect thing to cheer me up, encourage or help me.
5. She works so hard at trying to keep our family connected. And to keep the memories alive of her good parents. Here is something she wrote to her children one day:
My mother was quiet, gentle, generous, and most of all KIND. There was no meanness in her. I wish that I were more like her. And, how I miss her! On this day, please remember one thing that comes to your mind about dear wonderful Dorothy Merrill Gee. I love you all. I see her goodness so often reflected in your lives. Thank you, dear children. I love you. Mom
6. She is well loved. Growing up, I used to go with my mom when she went to give talks. She was a popular speaker: humorous and inspiring. I always felt that I was with a celebrity and was so proud to be known as her daughter.
7. She is full of fun and zest for life. While in college, she was elected to be a student body officer. Because of her charisma and sense of humor, she used to conduct and introduce speakers at the weekly campus devotionals. At one particular gathering, the invited speaker was a very important dignitary named Mr. Wooten. In introducing this gentleman, my mom said, "Now let's hear it for rootin' tootin' Wooten!"
8. She helps people. Over and over and over again.
Do you know what mom does? Every week, she mails a postcard to her children with memories from the past. Not only that, but she mails a different one to her siblings. And she has started mailing regular letters to Sean at college. She sends a weekly letter to a lonely widow that she befriended. She has spent hours and hours compiling history books and photo books for her children and siblings. She spends her time on things of value and meaning. I could go on and on.
My mother is a Mother Theresa.
Love you mom.
i love those photographs.
are they by your brother? janessa showed me some of your family photos and sean's senior pictures that he did--i loved the style!
i hope that way (way way way) down the road i have a daughter that looks up to me like you look up to your mom! :)
I love your mom too! She is awesome (I will use the word awesome, because she is nice enough to tell me I am awesome whenever I am near her.) The thing I love about your mom, is that I have never heard her say one negative thing about anyone! She is so Positive. I definitely, look up to your mom. Did you know she took me in one summer, and she was so good to me? I am thankful for your mom too, she is one of the best people I know. I wish I could be like her! (And I hope she reads this!)
I'm glad you mentioned how positive she is, because I didn't say anything about that and she definitely is!! She doesn't gossip and finds the good in any situation.
Thanks for your comments. I'm sure she'll see them. I know she feels the same way about you!
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