I had a marvelous time playing host..cooking, serving, and cleaning up. Thanks to Tausha's mom who came and helped. All the kids were great: gracious and thankful and full of vim and vigor! It is fun to be around teen-agers. I like their energy.
Until November 22, Snapfish is offering a free photo book. So Janessa and I selected some of her dance pictures, uploaded them and soon she will be sent a bound book in the mail to immortalize the memory of what she calls, "one of the funnest dances I have ever been to" (Just so you know: the dance count total so far is two).

Whole group

Asking for the book, "Who Pooped in the Park"

Asking directions to the nearest hotel.

Temple steps

Beginning the day date

Robert Duke, Janessa's date



Asking for kissing advice. The guy in the picture said, "Swallow often. Too much saliva is gross. And kissing leads to this (pointing to his baby)."

Tyler Howard and Kenzie Drawe

Tausha Clay and Chance Steglich
Looks like everyone had a grand time...but where are the pictures of the meal beforehand and the sing-along to Phantom?
Okay, three things
1) FUN times!
2) Robert is a serious cutie.
3) How do I get the free photo book? I want to see what the print quality is like before I order one for my mom for Christmas. :)
I went to their website today and there isn't a snibble of info about the free book. I know they have been overwhelmed with orders. I think if you just sign up for an account and get the basic book, they will give you credits at check-out.
I can't vouch for their quality. I haven't ordered a book from them before, but have ordered prints and they do a decent job. Course...it is free. And they are doing this to attract customers....
haha Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.
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